Upvc Windows
Upvc windows manufacturing is easy with using automatic machine from Baertec Machine. Baertec Enginners has manufactured the machines for upvc windows production to use it very simple and easy. Connect the upvc windows machines to your electricity infrastructure by using 220 Volt or 380 Volt. Connect the air comporessor tubes to the machine plug in and start directly to work with the machine. Universal symbols by using the control panel will help you to understand the starting or stoping the machine electric motors, or the clamps for fixing the upvc window profiles on the machine and cutting or welding processes for the upvc windows manufacturing process.
Upvc windows profiles are manufactured with extruders with high quality or with the Co-Ex system of two different metarials. The inside of the upvc windows profiles is with lower quality and the outside is used with normal quality material of upvc. Baertec Machine is only recommending Co-Ex systems from Germany and Turkey, because the law of the german goverment says that the quality of the inside by using Co-Ex systems must be better then the standart upvc material. Other manufacturers from all over the world has no interest to manufacturing upvc windows profiles with good quality, they want more to make more benefit by offering cheap upvc windows profiles, which is never recommended from Baertec. Colors of white upvc profiles can change to yellow and it can bend by hot weather.