Alubond aluminium composite panel cutting machine

Alubond aluminium composite panel cutting machine

Our aluminium composite panel cutting machine can cut all products of the brandname Alubond. Cutting and grinding is possible in different thicknesses from 1 mm until to 25 mm. Aluminium or wood composite panels cutting or grovving there is no different, with and guarantee of 2 years Baertec is giving an service with first installing and training of the machine in different countries. There are two special cutters on for cutting the other one for grinding to bend the aluminium composite panels with 90 degrees. The aluminium compostie panels are used for the outside facades of the buildings with different colors and sizes. The high quality of aluminium composite panels from the company Alubond needs also cutting machines from Baertec for better quality by using sawblades on the market with the hardes diamond theets which are available in the global market.



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